Thursday, October 15, 2009

The season sets in...

It is supposed to snow tomorrow... this is exciting for me, and a little scary... i am in no means ready for the wintry weather. We turned the heat on today... it was 52 in here this morning when i woke up. i don't feel like i have enough warm clothes, and i don't feel like the kids have enough warm clothes. this is how i always feel in the beginning of a new season. and yet, i am always provided for. i guess that i need to let go, and just allow God to work in my life, and appreciate all the He does for me. phew... that felt good... now, i just have to put into action my desires.

I am thankful that i have had a bunch of time to reflect. i am also thankful that i have the chance to have my friends living here again. It really opens my eyes to how i am living. It really makes me reflect on my own behavior, and i want to be able to be in control of making changes in my attitude. this all seems like babble... and frankly it is. but it is my babble... and i am ok with that. i hope that i am able to learn to love my self, and all that i have to offer the world.

i am hopeful that i will be able to be filled with an abundance of patience, and continue on through this journey with my head held high...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

getting started

James is now a blogger... or he will be when he finishes his story... we had the idea to let him post his stories on the world wide web... our goal is that people will be able to read his stories, critique then and enjoy them immensely! He is an amazing writer, and i am sooo proud of him. He is excited to be able to share them!!!

Other than that, we have been quite busy. It is fall, and now we are working towards the reality of snow, and freezing temperatures. We are not scared... just trying to be prepared. School is going so well. It is a lot of math, and writing... and enjoying our time together. The little ones are soooo busy. they are into everything. they are always on the move. it is a little hard to keep them busy! The farm is also in full fall swing. But you can read all about that at Pearson's Town.

We are loving baking, and hanging out in general! We hope all is well with everyone, and i am hopefully going to be able to keep the blog rolling... enjoy!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 | Portland, ME | St. Joseph's College Campus Garden | Portland, ME | St. Joseph's College Campus Garden

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school begins...

i know it has been forever since my last blog... i apologize to those of you who look forward to our insanity updates... i spent the last several weeks of summer, enjoying the weather, and the sites Maine has to offer. I discovered, that after several years of trying to teach James to swim, he just needed to teach himself... He discovered a lot for the back stroke... i also discovered that Owen has to play outside several hours every day, if he doesn't he becomes a serious bear... (this would explain several rainy afternoons that ended in tears!) I discovered that Addie is going to make a wonderful mommy some day. she pays such amazing attention to her babies, making sure each one wears seasonally appropriate clothing, and of course accessories!!! i am excited to start an official new school year. we will be starting in a few minutes... i like living on a schedule... i like being somewhat predictable, even with life's unpredictable times! james is excited to start school, and i already have Owen and Adelyn working on a project! i sure hope the rest of the year goes so smoothly.. ahhh, who am i kidding... release the insanity, i can handle it!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

just some thoughts...

i am feeling the pressure to be right on some sort of path to some sort of goal... i don't even know why, but i feel like i need to be heading somewhere. there seems to be some internal desire to become so much more than i already am. But i don't know what that looks like. I want to be out in the world loving on those who need it, and helping those who need it, and giving to those without... but, again, i don't know what that is supposed to look like. i feel like i have love and help, and things to give, but i don't know where to go with that. i feel like i want our family to be a beacon in the darkness. i feel like that is what God wants from us. i also feel like there is a vast distance between us and God. i just don't know where to start to unravel the distance. i am wandering around performing circus acts waiting for the ring master to announce the end of the show, so i can just go home... i miss the feeling of the magic of it all. i feel like i am not giving all to the kids trusted in my care. am i really showing them who God is? am i being Jesus for them? am i able to teach them all that i want to know? "I will answer them before they even tell Me their needs"... thank you Lord, i am listening.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Apple Burgers

OK... here it is... the best "veggie" burger out there!!! i can't recall where i found this, but who ever is originally responsible, thanks, and way to go!!!

this is the kind of recipe that can be tweaked to fit one persons pallet... i like it just as is!!!

2 apples (tart)grated (peeled)
2 cups cooked rice (white or brown)
1 pepper, finely chopped (variety to taste)
1 onion chopped (variety to taste) (i only used 1/2)
bread crumbs (for those not used to making veggie burgers... this is used to suck up any unwanted juices out of the mix... there is no real measurement on this... i used french bread, and broke it into little pieces, smaller than the average bite size, and then i broiled them just to a crunch...
and about 1/2 cup oats

all you do is mix this all together, except the oats...
if it is too wet add more bread, if it is too dry add another apple... etc.

once you can form the mixture into patties it is ready. make patties and "dip" them into the oats... saute them in a skillet in a tbs of olive oil...

when i made it i used 3 apples, and 3 cups rice, and it made about 15 patties!!!


i also added swiss cheese and "Sweet Baby Rays" BBQ sauce... OOOHHH! (i want one now!!!)

i'd love to hear from people who try this!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

James is HOME!!!

so, after a week away, james has returned... he won an award for being the best camper!!! (a boogie board!) he had a sensational time!! his first hug today was worth him being gone for a week... he held me tight and sighed, "oh, momma, i missed you!" he had a blast, and can't wait to go back next year!!! We as a family have some readjusting to do... it was sooo easy with just two kids... one for mike and one for me... now we almost have to relearn how to take care of three kids. it was so nice being able to spend special time with both kids at the same time... i am really going to have to dig deep and try to make sure that owen and adelyn don't feel pushed aside now...

on a brighter note!! adelyn is diaper free!!! she has not worn a diaper, or pullup for four days... and she has only had one day time accident and one night time accident!! i am sooo proud, and very happy!! yeah addie!! well done!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My kids

Adelyn and Owen are playing... it is going well. Owen comes running out of Adelyn's room wearing a 1980's prom like dress, purple with huge black polka-dots, and of course puffy sleeves, and enough tulle to reach the moon, and announces "I am going to marry Sissy in this dress..." then he grabs his fire fighter walkie talkie, and says "hurry someone is getting married, we need help!!!" this is WAY too funny for me... why is it that the times you wish people could be around to see your kids, you are alone... but when you wish no one was around to see your kids, you are in the mall, grocery store, bank, or any other random public places? too funny!!! and of course, Mike has the camera... so i don't even have evidence... sigh.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

blurry summer

this summer has not only been a crazy weather season... but i think that for the first time i am really feeling the pull of having three kids, and a busy home life... in the next 24 days... we have a bridal shower, and wedding, two birthdays (uncluding Adelyn's!), 4 dr. appointments, one homeschool review, and 7 babysitting jobs!!! phew... i don't know how i am going to get that all done... this is all added on to the regular work week of 15 hours for me, and about 50 for mike... (more like 60)... for the rest of July there is four days that are currently empty... i hope that i can keep them that way... i really enjoyed going to NY this weekend, and i think that i am in shell shock being home again. it was so peaceful, and i actually got to nap each day... something that was a REAL treat for me.. i was allowed time to think, and be still. this is something that, now that i am home, i am really going to miss. Mike and i really need to focus our family. and get ourselves togther... we are feeling a real lack of purpose, and direction... i think that is partly because we are sooo busy there is no room for direction... it is hard having all the kids birthdays so close together, it always means sooo many dr. visits, and then if there is anything found... we have more clinical follow ups!!! sometimes i wish that i didn't care so much about their well being... it would mean less time in the almost sterile waiting rooms!!! (ok, so, this is only partly true, i am blessed to live in a region that has available, even if expensive, health care!!)

so, when you see a streak of color rush by, that was me and the kids saying hello... and we enjoyed your company, and hope that you continue having a good summer (even if it is wet!) we look forward to the fall when we can spend time together again... hopefully then we will be more than a blur!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

waiting for summer

and so it begins...
somewhere above the clouds
there is a sun,
waiting to shine down upon us.
waiting to pour our reflections
into the pools of cool,
refreshing waters.
waiting to awaken
the feeling of freshness in our souls.
waiting to encourage us to feel alive,
all at once.
there is a sun waiting to bring life.
soon the sun is going to break free
of the cloud's chains.
it will part the gray
it will fill the land
with a fresh golden glow,
we will look to it
but for now, we must remain,

Friday, June 19, 2009


i am no longer a fan of the rain falling from the sky, over our house... why??? well, there is more if it coming into our house, than not... that's right, our basement is flooded...and not just wet, but about an inch of moving water...why is it moving??? good question... the water is moving rapidly in from one hole on one side of the house, to the sump pump hole on the other... it is rapidly moving from the front of our house, through all the things i thought would be best stored in the basement, right to the hole... and because there is so much water heading for the hole... and it is hitting to much of the things i have down there the water is actually being diverted straight into the bathroom... under the linoleum... right... ummm, does anyone know Ty Pennington personally? could someone give him a call... because i don't know how long i am going to be able to live in a house that is filling up with water, and by the looks of the forecast, we are not going to be drying out anytime soon... ugh... today, and most likely all week, i hate rain...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

laundry update...

for those of you who care... (does anyone really care...?)

i still have not used the electric washer this week (since saturday)... I almost have a full load though... the farm clothes have begun to sneak their way into the laundry basket... but i am not worried... i think that i am going to make it to friday before i HAVE to do a load... i have done 7 loads in the manual machine... i am still loving it... as a matter of fact, i think that i have a great system to using it... three loads in one sitting is my limit though... it starts to make my back ache, and my wrists can't handle too much wringing... but really three loads is the max that i have HAD to do in one day!!! (thanks to Adelyn's desire to NOT be potty trained this week!!)

so, be encouraged, yes, a family of 5 can do 1 load of laundry a week!!! saving energy is so cool!

anniversay haiku...

you are my best friend,

nine years, to celebrate, US.

and a hundred more.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

more laundry...

this week, starting on Sunday, i vowed to only wash one load of laundry in the electric machine... well, today is tuesday, and i have not even one full load to wash... i have washed 5 loads in the WONDER WASHer... i love it!!! and i would have done no electric drying, except today is raining... and i don't have an inside line... but really i am pleased.

the kids are off playing in A's room, i hope they are being good, though it is aweful quiet...

M is off at the farm, yes, in the rain... augh. i guess they are rearranging the barn, so hopefully they are under cover.

the animals here are happy, and wet... but they are mostly happy...

tomorrow is a special day, but you are going to have to wait to find out why!!!

happy blogging

Friday, June 5, 2009

kayaking... mmmm

I took James for a short kayaking trip yesterday afternoon. We launched down the street on the Saco... it was clam and peaceful. We had fun figuring out what the fallen trees looked like. We chased water bugs, and minows. We also got to watch a man "playing" in the rapids. he was really having a great time, and his control over his boat was amazing... it gave james a goal!!! all in all, i had a great time hanging out with my oldest... this is something that we don't get to do often. I am thankful for those little times that mean so much.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


so today i went for a walk in the woods with the kids, and a friend... it was wonderful. as a matter if fact, i wish it lasted longer... once i got home, and took a nap, i was ready to go again... maybe tomorrow... we were planning on going to smiling hill farm tomorrow, but alas, i have to work... maybe friday... i think that all told this summer is starting out nice... i think that once i get the summer school plans put together all will roll smoothly... i hope... i am still looking for that perfect math program... and i am also running quickly out of literacy work... but it seems that when i run out more always seems to find me...i love hand me downs... ok, i am off to bed... hopefully.

Monday, June 1, 2009

modern what???

i am a member of our local freecycle groups... and i love finding fun stuff from these groups... often times by the time i get the email posting, i am too late to grab the goodies... but this week i got a good one! i was lucky enough to respond quickly enough to grab up a hand crank clothes washing machine!!! oh yeah! i am for real!!! this little bugger can wash up to 8 dress shirts or, 10 t shirts or, 30 pairs of socks or, 3 pairs of jeans...or as i have found two days worth of childre's farm clothes!!! for five gallons of warm water, 1 tablespoon of laundry soap, and a little spin action, i can get a whole two days of clothes shiny clean, and ready for the line!!! this makes me sooo happy. i am going to try to cut our electric laundry machine use down to one maybe two loads a week!!! things like bulky blankets can't fit in the hand crank model... (yet!!!) i hope the world feels inspired to hand wash, or hand crank some laundry... really it feels so good to hang dry the clothes you personally washed, and then when you fold them, and put them away, you know that you saved a bunch of energy!!! and really, cranking the machine is no big deal!!! i actually had fun! feel free to swing by sometime, and bring somedirty laundry!!! you, too, will be amazed at how rewarding hand crank washing can be!!!

Owie and Addie wanted a turn.. so i had to share...

It is a little heavyat first, but once he got it going, it was easy!

this represents one day of kids farm clothes!!!

On the line... so pretty!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

peek-a-boo here i am... shhh, it's a secret!!!

So, it's been a while... a long while. And i am sorry... i guess i am having a hard time organizing my life enough to find time to down load pics and then title them... (i would rather post with pics than with out... what i have to say isn't as important or fun as what i can show!)

this is what we have been up to...

first there was my birthday weekend... if you were not involved... where the heck were you?!?!?!

so this is Al and me ummm, enjoying ourselves!! and maybe a little adult beverage... maybe...

Then came mother's day...

Meet, Buster (far left), Dyna (as in dynamite - thanks Owen, middle), and Danni (as in dancer, right)... these are our sheep... not for consumption... they have names!!!
i think that is was mike's plan to consume these... but i thought quickly to name them... so, i win again... your welcome little guys, enjoy life!!!

so after my birthday and mother's day, we celebrated Owen and James' birthdays... Owen turned 4, and James 8... it is a big year for us!! So we had a few, about 30, people over to enjoy a pirate party!!

this is our friend, Noah, he is not a cyclops...

or a triclops...
thought you'd like to know...

This brings us up to last weekend... we went CAMPING!!!! i love camping... here are some pics for you..

it was cold... but they wanted to be in the water soooo badly...

so on day 2 adelyn and i and al, hit the water, and kayaked for a few hours... we went through four ponds and across one highway... it was an adventure... we ended the trek by running out of ponds, and carrying our boats back to camp... true memories!!

We were lucky to have Ah Mah and Ah Gong join us, which really was a treat... Adelyn loved snuggling with Ah Mah, who was always terribly cold... poor Malaysian!!!!

While we were camping we were introduced to a game called "Cornhole" no really, that's the name... anyway... it is a mixture of good old bean bag toss, and horse shoes. we held a bracket competition, which i didn't win... or even make it past single eliminations... but i had fun playing, though not as much fun as Al... hmmm...

We were all quite tired, and really needed some rest!

I have a little more to blog about... but i think that this one is long enough... so maybe i will blog again in July... we'll see...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Post Sugar High thoughts...

Another Easter has come and gone... and what do we have to show for it? candy wrappers... and sugar highs... as parents we strive to open our kids eyes, and teach them not the ways of the world, but different and exciting new ideas and theories. this Easter michial came to me and asked me if he should go buy the normal Easter items... to which i said, don't bother. we don't need the candy, we also don't want to spread THAT Easter message. so we did nothing. which i am actually not happy with. i am not the all or nothing kinda of person. i am more into changing the norm to fit our desires... nothing is really not the answer. so i think that as a mom of three, i am really going to inspire to work on starting traditions that we are proud of. i want to start traditions that our kids can carry on into their adult relationships. SO, with that being said... any ideas??? i really was hoping that family traditions would form naturally, and some have... but i think more often than not we fall back on the ol' nothing... we didn't even dye eggs this year... mainly because i forgot to bring them to my mother's as planned, and then when it came time to initiate plan B, we were all our of the Easter decorating mood... sigh...

the kids DID get Easter baskets from Nana, and Grammy Gail... which made them very happy. adelyn loves to color in her hello kitty coloring book... and owen is loving the glow in the dark worms!!! james had a blast putting together his new legos... so, all together i guess it was a good Easter, if you hold the standards of the world... (shutter... )

Friday, April 10, 2009

THIS POST IS RATED R!!! as in riot...

We have been talking a lot about "the garden" in our home. As you all know, or should know, we have two young children... and young children have sometimes unmastered English skills... this is true for both our little ones... as we were talking about the garden in the car yesterday, it took mike and i about 5 minutes to figure out that our daughter was asking if daddy was going to help out at the "kiddie garden." What we heard her say, and through our laughter we had to decifer that she didn't mean, "is daddy going to help out at the "titty garden." As we laughed harder, she said it more... this became a vicious cycle. Later on Owen was talking, and remembering our reaction to Sissy's comment... also made the same comment... so now we have to come up with a different name for our garden for the youth... i just don't think that i want my kids going around inviting people to help out at our "titty garden!!!!"

have a laugh... it IS funny...

Monday, April 6, 2009

who said "don't play with your food??"

so, tonight we were cooking (or burning) dinner... see the phunny pharm for more details, and while we were busy creating something from nothing, adelyn decided to create toys from produce... this was incredibly creative, and i am proud of her. she took about 20 potatoes out of the bag, and lined them up, for about 30 minutes. they formed a barn, some chickens, my car, daddy's truck, and many other things. she had so much fun. it was great. when it was time to clean up, she decided that it was ok to play with her soup... which was also fun. she is going to be difficult to take to a public eatery... many, or even most, people would consider her table manners unacceptable... (my grandmother being one!) but, really we are teaching independence, and creativity, and frankly, i think she is soo dern adorable that i don't care if we don't keep up with the Jones'!!! she had fun, and it was so fun to watch her play with a toy that is not electronic, and not expensive!!! it reminds me of the child playing more with the wrapping than the $100 gift!!! so, play on adelyn... play on!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

warning... i am grumpy...

it has been a tough transaction into farm life for me... i guess i wasn't ready to send mike off to work, while i am awake, and able to be functional, together. i have noticed that i am really inflexible, and i don't manage change very well. i really wanted to jump into this new job, and new way of life with open arms, and embrace the new opportunities. but, in the middle of the change, i have learned that i am not the person i thought i was. i guess as a child i didn't have to deal with change too often. we lived in the same house for 12 years... and when we did move, it was basically my choice... then i went to cali, and met mike, which was the kind of change i wanted... so until now, i haven't had to deal, and now i know, i can't deal... i am really going to have to learn how to adjust better than this. i have not been the wife i need to be, or the momma i need to be. for those greatest effected, i am sorry. i humble myself, and i am going to try to work harder at being more supportive. i love you all, and thanks for letting me share my down falls. i am hopeful that through this outlet i am going to become a better person.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

tough day

for those who don't know, we own a dog... and she is a very good dog. her name is Lucky. she acquired it from my father-in-law. He was on his death bed, and somehow this dog came into their yard, and was allowed to stay... being very Lucky... when he died, dad wanted James to have her. i was very close to my father-in-law... and this dog means a lot to me. well, we also have a neighbor. an easily upset neighbor... this neighbor has a dog... a very nice dog, whom Lucky loves, and wants nothing more than to play with. neighbor is very nervous around dogs, and think that all dogs fight... (not the case...)so, if neighbor and dog are outside, we try really hard to not let lucky out... all of us except the small children taking residence in my house... today, was a tough day... i went downstairs to grab a pair of clean pants out of the dryer, and when i came up, the front door was open, and the two youngest of my clan were outside... all i could hear was our neighbor yelling "NO LUCKY, GO HOME..." oh, great... i called to her, never leaving my yard, and she came right to me... (not something a dog who is a threat would do...) i don't like living in a situation that i am fearful of how people are going to react to me and my family members... even the k-9 influences... lucky would ( i am certain) never hurt this other dog, she wants to play... but this situation makes me feel like if she happens to get out... then i am going to have to pay an enormous price... i got very angry at my children, and i definately lost my cool... i have never experienced that before, and i am chosing to never go through that again. i love my kids, and i love my dog, and i love my neighbor, so what am i supposed to do?? this all hurts so much. i am completely emotionally spent, and could soon find myself in bed for the night... sorry kids, it looks like dry cheerios for dinner. i just don't think that i can pull it together after this afternoon. i have never lived in a situation (as an adult) where i am uncomfortable in my neighborhood... until now. i don't really blame my children... after all the ones involved are 2 and 3... (come on, they are babies!) really, this neighbor needs to overcome his fears of our dog, and learn that lucky wants nothing more than a friend. we have offered to have the dogs get together to meet each other, and get to know each other better, but he is too nervous... i am sooo at a lost for what to do next... does this become a situation where i have to get rid of our dog, because she is sooo longing to play with his dog? yes, she leaves our yard when the other dog is out... yes, she barks when she sees the other dog outside... (eager barking!!) i am growning weary... sorry for this bleck blog... but that is life... and it IS dirty...

i am terribly sorry

for those who are trying to follow this sad excuse for a blog, i am sorry. i have not been on this blog for two weeks... and A LOT has happened. i can say that i am going to make an effort to catch you all up... but unfortunately not right now... i have to run off to work... hmm, this is how it all patient with me, i am not a very good juggler... love to you all. and please don't give up on me...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

we have a big boy now

I cut owen's hair today, and he sure looks big. this is the first time in a long time that he really strikes me as a big boy. i have to admit that i miss my 7lb 13oz mush pot... but i guess i have to be happy with my 38 lb big boy... this is all going to take a little getting used to . adelyn has had a four straight day potty success. she is doing well. i am really looking forward to that hurdle. although it opens the door to big girl... augh. it is a tricky balance between keeping them little, and encouraging them to grow up.

we are looking forward to our special mommy time this week as daddy travels for the farm job. it is a little scary, but also, i am looking forward to not working, and not worrying about having to spend time with the kids and having to go to work... i am going to enjoy the time for just us.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

...and the world continues to rotate

we are a busy people. all of us. but amidst this busy get-there-fast, don't-be-late, always-saying-"yes", life style i managed to squeeze a few minutes in to actually sit and enjoy my children at play. Adelyn and Owen were playing "house". in this game Owen had to rush off to work, leaving Adelyn at "home" to "deal" with the babies. by the way there were three babies! This childhood depliction of everyday adult life was a little rude, and quite frankly eye-opening. so, in this new year, (can i still call it that?) i am planning on slowing down. i am going to try to make sure that my kids FEEL the love that i have for them, and i want them to FEEL like they are number one. afterall, when they were infants in my arms, they were my world... now they are actual members of society. i want to make sure that i am able to take time (from what? i don't know) and give it all to them. i wonder if there is someone (maybe yourself), or something, that needs a little more of you. i encourage you to find the time, it may only take a moment, to reconnect with the lost people of your world. who knows, you may be on someone else's "lost person" list, and you may find yourself invested in!!! what a joy!

p.s. mike, where is the cable for the camera? i NEED to post more pics! (yes, this is how mike and i find our time to communicate!!! a little scary huh?!)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dumpster Ghetto!

Yes, I am a t.v. junkie... i do miss a good show now and then... and tonight i watched a good show... these wackos made an entire, functional (minus true electrical and plumbing) recycled house... in San Francisco, up to building codes... completely out of junk, free junk... the only thing money was spent on was nails and screws... THIS should be the American dream people... forget the picket white fence... how about a fence made out of fire hose, or maybe dented street signs... come on people... In America we build NEW homes each year, and tear down old ones... and there is perfectly good resources out there to not buy new!!! i love this, and i am looking forward to figuring out a way to build a tree house for the kids out of FREE recycled items... jump on board... let's see what we can do this summer... (don't have kids, come help us out!!!) (or find a neighborhood kid to help out!!!) this would be such a cool, and powerful movement!!! recycled structures!!! (from the dump!!!) way to go!

this, mike, is dumpster-ghetto!!!! oh yeah!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

spring cleaning!!!

so i have caught the bug.... the cleaning bug... James is away for the weekend, and i am taking every second i can, to clean out his toys, and clothes, and other miscellaneous childhood items. i am feeling overwhelmed, but refreshed. i am enjoying the freeing feeling of knowing that we don't NEED these items to be happy, or to even enjoy ourselves, and i am convinced that my kids are not even going to miss these items... this is a time of year i always look forward to. we live such cluttered lives, and it is wonderful to be able to release some of that stress back to the chaos gods... (i believe that i personally have about 25 chaos gods... living and breathing, and most likely breeding all around me)! today i am holding those chaos gods at bay... i am freecycling an entire garbage bag full of "useful in someone else's home" items!!! so be encouraged, you too can have the power to slay a few useless chaos warriors!!! be at peace friend, and no, you don't actually need to keep that ugly sweater that your aunt Jo sent you... she'll forget it, and you can too!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

another day of a million priorities!!!

So i woke up this morning over an hour late... i haven't had to use an alarm clock in months... so after a fast shower, and a bunch of hugs and kisses i ran out the door on my way to my
out-of-the-house job... once at work, i found myself amidst a huge amount of "projects" that i was expected to have done by the time our regional manager came for a "visit" (not that she was actually invited!). Well, i juggled a bunch of things around, and got everything done. i rushed home to wake up the little ones, and to rush them around getting ready for a mall play date, and a dinner date, with two different people!!! i was trying to plan a play date (for a different date) for james (and myself!) when i realized that i am a very busy person... we chose to not use a daycare for the kids, but we are not financially stable enough to only live on one income... alas, enter crazy busy lifestyle... i hope that this is something that we can overcome with the garden job. Mike will hopefully be home more, or at least, he will be home in the evenings. i guess that i am going to need some encouragement on the use of the word, "no." there are things that i want to be part of, but there are so many other things going on... is there rest for the restless?

So, on the happier side of the dirt, i have completed my first cable knitted washcloth... i love to cable!! it actually came out well, there are no mistakes!!! as soon as i locate the batteries for my camera, i will take a picture... (this is another problem... clutter and chaos...)

On this note, i am really enjoying blogging, and i hope to be able to connect with many fantastic people. For those of you in Maine, enjoy the warm day tomorrow!!! (my plans include, laundry, and finding the living room floor!!!)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

In the Begining... there was dirt, and dirt was good.

Everything has a beginning... some are good, some are not... this is what you get to decide. I am going to attempt to blog the happenings in our life, in hopes to keep people connected, and to possibly give encouragement to those who can relate to our life!!(do those people actually exist?)

Our beginning happened almost nine years ago... Met, and married, my best friend. We now have three kids, whom we homeschool... (or at least that is what we try to do!!)

Our family goal is to live in a manner that is not harmful to our environment. We are trying to teach our children, through basic trial and error, the joys of the land. This is not always easy, but generally quite messy!

We are farmers, and we love to be dirty. (dirty hippies dare I say!?) I hope you enjoy visiting my blog, and I also hope to learn from you, and your learn from me. Enjoy!