Monday, April 6, 2009

who said "don't play with your food??"

so, tonight we were cooking (or burning) dinner... see the phunny pharm for more details, and while we were busy creating something from nothing, adelyn decided to create toys from produce... this was incredibly creative, and i am proud of her. she took about 20 potatoes out of the bag, and lined them up, for about 30 minutes. they formed a barn, some chickens, my car, daddy's truck, and many other things. she had so much fun. it was great. when it was time to clean up, she decided that it was ok to play with her soup... which was also fun. she is going to be difficult to take to a public eatery... many, or even most, people would consider her table manners unacceptable... (my grandmother being one!) but, really we are teaching independence, and creativity, and frankly, i think she is soo dern adorable that i don't care if we don't keep up with the Jones'!!! she had fun, and it was so fun to watch her play with a toy that is not electronic, and not expensive!!! it reminds me of the child playing more with the wrapping than the $100 gift!!! so, play on adelyn... play on!

1 comment:

  1. Talk about going green. . . or in this case, going brown!

    i am glad that you encourage the kids to develop their creative side!!
