Monday, June 1, 2009

modern what???

i am a member of our local freecycle groups... and i love finding fun stuff from these groups... often times by the time i get the email posting, i am too late to grab the goodies... but this week i got a good one! i was lucky enough to respond quickly enough to grab up a hand crank clothes washing machine!!! oh yeah! i am for real!!! this little bugger can wash up to 8 dress shirts or, 10 t shirts or, 30 pairs of socks or, 3 pairs of jeans...or as i have found two days worth of childre's farm clothes!!! for five gallons of warm water, 1 tablespoon of laundry soap, and a little spin action, i can get a whole two days of clothes shiny clean, and ready for the line!!! this makes me sooo happy. i am going to try to cut our electric laundry machine use down to one maybe two loads a week!!! things like bulky blankets can't fit in the hand crank model... (yet!!!) i hope the world feels inspired to hand wash, or hand crank some laundry... really it feels so good to hang dry the clothes you personally washed, and then when you fold them, and put them away, you know that you saved a bunch of energy!!! and really, cranking the machine is no big deal!!! i actually had fun! feel free to swing by sometime, and bring somedirty laundry!!! you, too, will be amazed at how rewarding hand crank washing can be!!!

Owie and Addie wanted a turn.. so i had to share...

It is a little heavyat first, but once he got it going, it was easy!

this represents one day of kids farm clothes!!!

On the line... so pretty!!!


  1. That is so awesome! I saw those somewhere and I've wanted one ever since...but free! That's even better.

  2. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my "clean hippie" wife??

    She is both awesome, and um. . . awesome!!

  3. i love you too honey... please take out the trash!!!
