Friday, March 6, 2009

another day of a million priorities!!!

So i woke up this morning over an hour late... i haven't had to use an alarm clock in months... so after a fast shower, and a bunch of hugs and kisses i ran out the door on my way to my
out-of-the-house job... once at work, i found myself amidst a huge amount of "projects" that i was expected to have done by the time our regional manager came for a "visit" (not that she was actually invited!). Well, i juggled a bunch of things around, and got everything done. i rushed home to wake up the little ones, and to rush them around getting ready for a mall play date, and a dinner date, with two different people!!! i was trying to plan a play date (for a different date) for james (and myself!) when i realized that i am a very busy person... we chose to not use a daycare for the kids, but we are not financially stable enough to only live on one income... alas, enter crazy busy lifestyle... i hope that this is something that we can overcome with the garden job. Mike will hopefully be home more, or at least, he will be home in the evenings. i guess that i am going to need some encouragement on the use of the word, "no." there are things that i want to be part of, but there are so many other things going on... is there rest for the restless?

So, on the happier side of the dirt, i have completed my first cable knitted washcloth... i love to cable!! it actually came out well, there are no mistakes!!! as soon as i locate the batteries for my camera, i will take a picture... (this is another problem... clutter and chaos...)

On this note, i am really enjoying blogging, and i hope to be able to connect with many fantastic people. For those of you in Maine, enjoy the warm day tomorrow!!! (my plans include, laundry, and finding the living room floor!!!)


  1. . . . And don't forget a huge bon fire and the church is meeting here. . . . 3pm i do believe. 6 more shifts till i am HOME!!!!!!! Try not to be too busy.

  2. i didn't know about the bon fire... yum... i KNOW we are going to have s'more's!!!!

    buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy beeeeeeeees
