Monday, July 13, 2009

James is HOME!!!

so, after a week away, james has returned... he won an award for being the best camper!!! (a boogie board!) he had a sensational time!! his first hug today was worth him being gone for a week... he held me tight and sighed, "oh, momma, i missed you!" he had a blast, and can't wait to go back next year!!! We as a family have some readjusting to do... it was sooo easy with just two kids... one for mike and one for me... now we almost have to relearn how to take care of three kids. it was so nice being able to spend special time with both kids at the same time... i am really going to have to dig deep and try to make sure that owen and adelyn don't feel pushed aside now...

on a brighter note!! adelyn is diaper free!!! she has not worn a diaper, or pullup for four days... and she has only had one day time accident and one night time accident!! i am sooo proud, and very happy!! yeah addie!! well done!!!

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