Thursday, March 12, 2009

...and the world continues to rotate

we are a busy people. all of us. but amidst this busy get-there-fast, don't-be-late, always-saying-"yes", life style i managed to squeeze a few minutes in to actually sit and enjoy my children at play. Adelyn and Owen were playing "house". in this game Owen had to rush off to work, leaving Adelyn at "home" to "deal" with the babies. by the way there were three babies! This childhood depliction of everyday adult life was a little rude, and quite frankly eye-opening. so, in this new year, (can i still call it that?) i am planning on slowing down. i am going to try to make sure that my kids FEEL the love that i have for them, and i want them to FEEL like they are number one. afterall, when they were infants in my arms, they were my world... now they are actual members of society. i want to make sure that i am able to take time (from what? i don't know) and give it all to them. i wonder if there is someone (maybe yourself), or something, that needs a little more of you. i encourage you to find the time, it may only take a moment, to reconnect with the lost people of your world. who knows, you may be on someone else's "lost person" list, and you may find yourself invested in!!! what a joy!

p.s. mike, where is the cable for the camera? i NEED to post more pics! (yes, this is how mike and i find our time to communicate!!! a little scary huh?!)


  1. Well. . . when life mimics Kiddo-vision, eh?!?! Sounds all too real. Good news is. . . two more shifts. . doo-dah, doo-dah!!
    Haven't seen the cable for that silly thing. i love you. Now i am going to turn around and have a conversation with you in the kitchen ;-P

  2. Ha, I love you guys and your little back and forth comments!

  3. we found the camera cable... it actually just appeared... pretty russell of it...

    love you

  4. " i encourage you to find the time, it may only take a moment, to reconnect with the lost people of your world."

    Well girlfriend, you just said it right there. I have not made the time for people that I love in the world. I am missing the lives of my friends and the growing up of your children, a bit ashamed I am. Hopefully you guys still know that I love you all and you have never left my thoughts and are always in my prayers. I look forward to reconnecting with you guys soon :)
