Thursday, October 15, 2009

The season sets in...

It is supposed to snow tomorrow... this is exciting for me, and a little scary... i am in no means ready for the wintry weather. We turned the heat on today... it was 52 in here this morning when i woke up. i don't feel like i have enough warm clothes, and i don't feel like the kids have enough warm clothes. this is how i always feel in the beginning of a new season. and yet, i am always provided for. i guess that i need to let go, and just allow God to work in my life, and appreciate all the He does for me. phew... that felt good... now, i just have to put into action my desires.

I am thankful that i have had a bunch of time to reflect. i am also thankful that i have the chance to have my friends living here again. It really opens my eyes to how i am living. It really makes me reflect on my own behavior, and i want to be able to be in control of making changes in my attitude. this all seems like babble... and frankly it is. but it is my babble... and i am ok with that. i hope that i am able to learn to love my self, and all that i have to offer the world.

i am hopeful that i will be able to be filled with an abundance of patience, and continue on through this journey with my head held high...

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