Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Recovery Day 4

i am home, alone... for, what seemed like so long, i relied on others to help take of my needs, everything from going to the bathroom, to putting on socks. Now i find myself alone. I can manage. Really I can... It's just lonely. I can sit here and think about the pain, and lack or motion, or how numb my whole foot is... i am really trying to continue with a positive attitude, but i think it is becoming harder the more i am able to really focus on me. i am trying to work on some of the physical therapists suggestions for a faster recovery... however, the pain is so excruciating i think that i am going to pass out... when i add more pain meds, i get so sleepy i can't even move. i know we are still early on, but in this kind of recovery, every second counts...

positive thought spot...

it is so sunny, and warm by the living room window! I am really looking forward to spring this year. M and i have some great garden plans... i am very excited for!! come see the front yard transfom into a children's wonderland!! posted updates can be found at www.theopendoorfarm.blogspot.com

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