Monday, March 29, 2010

Owen, the middlest!

Owen was born when James was just about to turn 4. I love the age difference. It made James aware of Owen. Owen has always been a tough kid. He cried a lot as a baby, and even now, as a nearly 5 year old (wow) he is sometimes hard to console. All this aside... he is one heck of a fun guy! He is the jokster in the house. He is the one who knows how our schedule looks, usually before I do... He is the one keeping us all aware of what is going on. He is also, the most tenderhearted child I know. If ever we drive past a broken down car, he always asks if we can stop and help. He always sneaks over to me, and sneaks in a hug, or a back rub. He is so sweet... He, though, is my biggest challenge. He is a strong willed kid, who tends to not think things through too far. This has caused many "OWEN"s to spew out of my mouth! With this boy I need to sit back, and watch the marvel that he is. He is sensitive, though I usually don't notice it. He is caring, and sweet, and imaginative. He is a true comedien, and he loves the world we live in. He loves to be outside, and usually dirty. He love to watch nature happen, and often will find ways to make nature happen! He is a beautiful child. He is a true blessing. He is mine.

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