Monday, February 8, 2010

phone calls and soup...

I called the surgeon today. I now have to wait for him to call me back with day of the surgery... I felt a little relieved calling, but I think it is only a matter of time before reality hits. I am scared. I am scared for my family having to really pull together and manage without me, and I guess not so much without me, but also, for me. They are going to have to find a rhythm of life while I heal. I am also scared that this surgery is not going to be good enough. I am worried about making the choice to have radiation... and all that entails. So, with all these things to think about, I made soup today... lots of soup...

I made apple cheddar potato soup... which tastes a lot like heaven...

I also made a veggie soup... which i haven't tasted yet, because it is still blending tastes!!! (and the veggies are not soft yet!)

I am proud of my soups... I have not made a ton of soup in my life, but it is something that I love to do... and eat!!! I made two big batches (does soup come on batches?) so I could freeze 1/2 of each for when I have surgery... I don't know if there will be enough left after tonight, and tomorrow night, to freeze!!! Oh well!!!

I am waiting patiently right next to the phone, although I doubt he will call today... I will be sure to post when he does call. Until then, I will be sampling my soups!!!


  1. The apple-tater-cheese soup was more than just yummy!!!!

  2. apple-cheddar-potato soup??? That's like a bunch of my favorite things all together! Send me some!! :)

    I'm glad you have made a decision. Sometimes it feels good just to make a decision, even if you're still not sure. Surgery is just one part, right? You can leave the radiation decision for later. I guess I shouldn't speak for your family, but I think they will survive. Life changes all of the time. Michial got a new job, things changed, you survived. You kept all your kids home for home-schooling, you survived. You went back to work for a while, you survived. Keep praying about it, and keep talking to each other, and things will certainly fall into place. I will keep praying for you. I wish I could offer you concrete help too. You and your family are loved - you will be cared for. Don't worry about that!!


  3. So...I haven't read any blogs in over a month. (!) But I just wanted to say - apple cheddar potato soup! Yum. I have grand plans of freezing many soups for new-baby-time. :)
