Sunday, February 21, 2010

continuing the count down...

The days are blurry as they race by... I don't know if I am nervous for the surgery, or if I am just thinking ahead for the unknown. My recoveries before have been with one child, less than 13 months old. One child whom I could place on the floor with a pile of blocks, and he wouldn't move for hours... and when he was hungry, I could suffice with a PB&J, and a snuggle before a nap... NOW, I have three kids, who run, race, climb, fight, wrestle, crave personal, one-on-one attention... We now live in a house slightly less condusive for a speedy recovery... (laundry is in the basement, drying lines in the breezeway!!!) I know it will all be ok. If the laundry doesn't get washed for weeks, and the kids are wearing dirty, stinky clothes, everything will actually be ok... but I don't know if I can easily give up the mommy power I have. I like my house to look, and run a certain way... it's just how I like it. Yes, in normal circumstances, it is easy to maintain... however, when I am unable to walk... not so much. It is going to be a big growing experience for us all. I think that is what I am most nervous about... well that, and I am worried that, like the last 4 surgeries, this won't be a true success. Yeah, there's that too...

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