Sunday, June 21, 2009

waiting for summer

and so it begins...
somewhere above the clouds
there is a sun,
waiting to shine down upon us.
waiting to pour our reflections
into the pools of cool,
refreshing waters.
waiting to awaken
the feeling of freshness in our souls.
waiting to encourage us to feel alive,
all at once.
there is a sun waiting to bring life.
soon the sun is going to break free
of the cloud's chains.
it will part the gray
it will fill the land
with a fresh golden glow,
we will look to it
but for now, we must remain,

Friday, June 19, 2009


i am no longer a fan of the rain falling from the sky, over our house... why??? well, there is more if it coming into our house, than not... that's right, our basement is flooded...and not just wet, but about an inch of moving water...why is it moving??? good question... the water is moving rapidly in from one hole on one side of the house, to the sump pump hole on the other... it is rapidly moving from the front of our house, through all the things i thought would be best stored in the basement, right to the hole... and because there is so much water heading for the hole... and it is hitting to much of the things i have down there the water is actually being diverted straight into the bathroom... under the linoleum... right... ummm, does anyone know Ty Pennington personally? could someone give him a call... because i don't know how long i am going to be able to live in a house that is filling up with water, and by the looks of the forecast, we are not going to be drying out anytime soon... ugh... today, and most likely all week, i hate rain...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

laundry update...

for those of you who care... (does anyone really care...?)

i still have not used the electric washer this week (since saturday)... I almost have a full load though... the farm clothes have begun to sneak their way into the laundry basket... but i am not worried... i think that i am going to make it to friday before i HAVE to do a load... i have done 7 loads in the manual machine... i am still loving it... as a matter of fact, i think that i have a great system to using it... three loads in one sitting is my limit though... it starts to make my back ache, and my wrists can't handle too much wringing... but really three loads is the max that i have HAD to do in one day!!! (thanks to Adelyn's desire to NOT be potty trained this week!!)

so, be encouraged, yes, a family of 5 can do 1 load of laundry a week!!! saving energy is so cool!

anniversay haiku...

you are my best friend,

nine years, to celebrate, US.

and a hundred more.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

more laundry...

this week, starting on Sunday, i vowed to only wash one load of laundry in the electric machine... well, today is tuesday, and i have not even one full load to wash... i have washed 5 loads in the WONDER WASHer... i love it!!! and i would have done no electric drying, except today is raining... and i don't have an inside line... but really i am pleased.

the kids are off playing in A's room, i hope they are being good, though it is aweful quiet...

M is off at the farm, yes, in the rain... augh. i guess they are rearranging the barn, so hopefully they are under cover.

the animals here are happy, and wet... but they are mostly happy...

tomorrow is a special day, but you are going to have to wait to find out why!!!

happy blogging

Friday, June 5, 2009

kayaking... mmmm

I took James for a short kayaking trip yesterday afternoon. We launched down the street on the Saco... it was clam and peaceful. We had fun figuring out what the fallen trees looked like. We chased water bugs, and minows. We also got to watch a man "playing" in the rapids. he was really having a great time, and his control over his boat was amazing... it gave james a goal!!! all in all, i had a great time hanging out with my oldest... this is something that we don't get to do often. I am thankful for those little times that mean so much.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


so today i went for a walk in the woods with the kids, and a friend... it was wonderful. as a matter if fact, i wish it lasted longer... once i got home, and took a nap, i was ready to go again... maybe tomorrow... we were planning on going to smiling hill farm tomorrow, but alas, i have to work... maybe friday... i think that all told this summer is starting out nice... i think that once i get the summer school plans put together all will roll smoothly... i hope... i am still looking for that perfect math program... and i am also running quickly out of literacy work... but it seems that when i run out more always seems to find me...i love hand me downs... ok, i am off to bed... hopefully.

Monday, June 1, 2009

modern what???

i am a member of our local freecycle groups... and i love finding fun stuff from these groups... often times by the time i get the email posting, i am too late to grab the goodies... but this week i got a good one! i was lucky enough to respond quickly enough to grab up a hand crank clothes washing machine!!! oh yeah! i am for real!!! this little bugger can wash up to 8 dress shirts or, 10 t shirts or, 30 pairs of socks or, 3 pairs of jeans...or as i have found two days worth of childre's farm clothes!!! for five gallons of warm water, 1 tablespoon of laundry soap, and a little spin action, i can get a whole two days of clothes shiny clean, and ready for the line!!! this makes me sooo happy. i am going to try to cut our electric laundry machine use down to one maybe two loads a week!!! things like bulky blankets can't fit in the hand crank model... (yet!!!) i hope the world feels inspired to hand wash, or hand crank some laundry... really it feels so good to hang dry the clothes you personally washed, and then when you fold them, and put them away, you know that you saved a bunch of energy!!! and really, cranking the machine is no big deal!!! i actually had fun! feel free to swing by sometime, and bring somedirty laundry!!! you, too, will be amazed at how rewarding hand crank washing can be!!!

Owie and Addie wanted a turn.. so i had to share...

It is a little heavyat first, but once he got it going, it was easy!

this represents one day of kids farm clothes!!!

On the line... so pretty!!!