Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Post Sugar High thoughts...

Another Easter has come and gone... and what do we have to show for it? candy wrappers... and sugar highs... as parents we strive to open our kids eyes, and teach them not the ways of the world, but different and exciting new ideas and theories. this Easter michial came to me and asked me if he should go buy the normal Easter items... to which i said, don't bother. we don't need the candy, we also don't want to spread THAT Easter message. so we did nothing. which i am actually not happy with. i am not the all or nothing kinda of person. i am more into changing the norm to fit our desires... nothing is really not the answer. so i think that as a mom of three, i am really going to inspire to work on starting traditions that we are proud of. i want to start traditions that our kids can carry on into their adult relationships. SO, with that being said... any ideas??? i really was hoping that family traditions would form naturally, and some have... but i think more often than not we fall back on the ol' nothing... we didn't even dye eggs this year... mainly because i forgot to bring them to my mother's as planned, and then when it came time to initiate plan B, we were all our of the Easter decorating mood... sigh...

the kids DID get Easter baskets from Nana, and Grammy Gail... which made them very happy. adelyn loves to color in her hello kitty coloring book... and owen is loving the glow in the dark worms!!! james had a blast putting together his new legos... so, all together i guess it was a good Easter, if you hold the standards of the world... (shutter... )

Friday, April 10, 2009

THIS POST IS RATED R!!! as in riot...

We have been talking a lot about "the garden" in our home. As you all know, or should know, we have two young children... and young children have sometimes unmastered English skills... this is true for both our little ones... as we were talking about the garden in the car yesterday, it took mike and i about 5 minutes to figure out that our daughter was asking if daddy was going to help out at the "kiddie garden." What we heard her say, and through our laughter we had to decifer that she didn't mean, "is daddy going to help out at the "titty garden." As we laughed harder, she said it more... this became a vicious cycle. Later on Owen was talking, and remembering our reaction to Sissy's comment... also made the same comment... so now we have to come up with a different name for our garden for the youth... i just don't think that i want my kids going around inviting people to help out at our "titty garden!!!!"

have a laugh... it IS funny...

Monday, April 6, 2009

who said "don't play with your food??"

so, tonight we were cooking (or burning) dinner... see the phunny pharm for more details, and while we were busy creating something from nothing, adelyn decided to create toys from produce... this was incredibly creative, and i am proud of her. she took about 20 potatoes out of the bag, and lined them up, for about 30 minutes. they formed a barn, some chickens, my car, daddy's truck, and many other things. she had so much fun. it was great. when it was time to clean up, she decided that it was ok to play with her soup... which was also fun. she is going to be difficult to take to a public eatery... many, or even most, people would consider her table manners unacceptable... (my grandmother being one!) but, really we are teaching independence, and creativity, and frankly, i think she is soo dern adorable that i don't care if we don't keep up with the Jones'!!! she had fun, and it was so fun to watch her play with a toy that is not electronic, and not expensive!!! it reminds me of the child playing more with the wrapping than the $100 gift!!! so, play on adelyn... play on!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

warning... i am grumpy...

it has been a tough transaction into farm life for me... i guess i wasn't ready to send mike off to work, while i am awake, and able to be functional, together. i have noticed that i am really inflexible, and i don't manage change very well. i really wanted to jump into this new job, and new way of life with open arms, and embrace the new opportunities. but, in the middle of the change, i have learned that i am not the person i thought i was. i guess as a child i didn't have to deal with change too often. we lived in the same house for 12 years... and when we did move, it was basically my choice... then i went to cali, and met mike, which was the kind of change i wanted... so until now, i haven't had to deal, and now i know, i can't deal... i am really going to have to learn how to adjust better than this. i have not been the wife i need to be, or the momma i need to be. for those greatest effected, i am sorry. i humble myself, and i am going to try to work harder at being more supportive. i love you all, and thanks for letting me share my down falls. i am hopeful that through this outlet i am going to become a better person.