Friday, June 4, 2010

diggin in

life has been a constant whirl wind for the past, oh, um... 10 years or so... I really want to be able to blog more, so I can look back and remember what we lived through... well, let me start (again) here, and now...

This week has been particularly hectic because I am in a wedding this weekend... and for anyone who has even been in a wedding, you know that the week leading up to it, can be a mess!!! We are "learning" the dance to MJ's Thriller... which in itself is a feat... I am having a blast dancing again... it's been SEVERAL years since I put on my dancing feet!! Also this week we have been trying to get a real handle on the garden. The kids and I have been planting start seeds, and weeding, and Mike, when he gets home from his own farm, is working just as hard getting our food supply in order... This year our kids are all old enough to help... i am going to use the word "help" loosely... They all care about where their food comes from, and they are starting to understand that food sold in the grocery store, isn't always food... This is something we are really trying to instill in them... We are embarking on our local-vore diet this month... and actually were able to jump start that when, while camping, a friend of ours came over to hard wire our generator... in doing this he had to turn off the power to the house, and the generator... when he left, he forgot to turn the power back on... this was Saturday, we got home Monday... needless to say, everything in the fridge and freezer was lost... I guess it's a good place to start buying all local, when you have nothing else lurking in the corners... so... here we go... local food... all local.... 250 miles from our house... what will we miss? Chocolate... and well, that's all i can think of right now... but i am sure as this gets into full swing, I will be able to think of more things I miss, though I am positive that they will not be things that make this adventure not worth it... I am looking forward to the relationship with my food, that buying local instills. My kids are going to be able to look at a map, and say where their food comes from, and in many cases, they are going to be able to be part of the growing process... this is something i am more proud of!

so people, here we go... local!