Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mechanical Errors

When I had my last surgery, in March, I had internal souchers put in. I was told by the Dr. that these souchers would disolve in time... It has been three months, and there is no sign of disolving... I am in severe amount of pain, as I am sure you can imagine. I called, and went to two dr.s in Maine to have them remove these stitches. Both of them, in their own way, told me that they didn't put the stitches there, and they most certainly won't be removing them... which, frankly, I can't blame them... I, however, and still stuck with these souchers in my knee. It is getting to the point where I can barely walk. Today, I will be going to Boston to have the surgeon who put these stitches in, to have him take them out! I am nervous though, these stitches have been in here for a long time, and with that could come infection... and other complications.

So here we go...

Friday, June 25, 2010

new adventures on the horizon!

Well, this sure has been an interesting year... and it is all about to change... big change... life altering change...

Have i peaked your curiosity? Good... wanna know what's going on? well...

I have been offered a new job, a good job. I will be the new director of our local food pantry, Catherine's Cupboard. This is a pantry that my family and I have volunteered at for nearly 2 years. I will be an employee of St. Joe's College, and I will have a DESK!!! (those of you who have desks and want to not... sorry... I have been working on my feet for so many years, I am ready to sit down!) I will work in the Campus Ministries office, with some very cool people! I am really excited.

The second part of our life altering plans... with a new job comes a new schedule, and with a new schedule, comes a lack of "free"time... so, Mike and I have decided to send James to public school... Somewhere inside my head I feel like a sell out. I feel like i am failing him... but in my heart, i know that this choice is the best for our whole family. He will be fine, and he will actually learn to love school again. He is overall ok with this decision. He doesn't like the idea of having deadlines, and time frames, but i think that these concepts are actually really good for him to learn. Owen also will be starting kindergarten this year. He is thrilled!!! He can't wait. I am worried about this transition... only because he is sooo little boy, i am not sure how he will fit in. But over all, i think that he will love the atmosphere of school, and i know he will love his teacher! He loves spending time with other kids, and i think that he will have a lot to offer a classroom setting.

Addie, well, she is still to young for kindergarten, just barely... so we are looking into a preschool for her. though if we don't find one, she is welcome to come to work with me. So all, in all, it is going to be big changes, but i welcome them, and i am excited for what is on the horizon.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Grocery Shopping

This week continues our local-vore diet. We went (drum roll please!) to the grocery store!!! For the first time in my entire life, we only bought food from the outside aisles of the store... well, almost. We did buy all purpose flour, made in Vermont (inside our circle!), and shortening, outside our circle... and tuna. (we have a few cans, and i wanted to be able to use it all up in one meal, and feed everyone!!) Other than that... all local, all fresh!! NO corn syrup, or even artificial flavors!!! No red #44, or blue #7... ahh... sweet food!!! Last night I made a meal using tomatoes and meat and spelt berries!! it was good. tonight, it's spinach, strawberry salad, potato salad, and open faced cheddar cheese melts, on chala bread!!! yum!!! i love also how in our kitchen store bought cans and jars are quickly being replaced by Ball jars! I am proud of our food, and I am proud of our family! So far, no one has shed a tear... though i will tattle tale a little... (*mike bought pepsi last night!*)... phew, i feel better... he is trying to finish a bottle of rum he has... or so he says! (grin)... Let's see what happens next week! (i just realized that he will miss a lot more than i will...!) I have to go boil potatoes for tonight, then it's off to sew a little girl sized kitchen apron!! (which is coming out sooo sweet!)

Friday, June 4, 2010

diggin in

life has been a constant whirl wind for the past, oh, um... 10 years or so... I really want to be able to blog more, so I can look back and remember what we lived through... well, let me start (again) here, and now...

This week has been particularly hectic because I am in a wedding this weekend... and for anyone who has even been in a wedding, you know that the week leading up to it, can be a mess!!! We are "learning" the dance to MJ's Thriller... which in itself is a feat... I am having a blast dancing again... it's been SEVERAL years since I put on my dancing feet!! Also this week we have been trying to get a real handle on the garden. The kids and I have been planting start seeds, and weeding, and Mike, when he gets home from his own farm, is working just as hard getting our food supply in order... This year our kids are all old enough to help... i am going to use the word "help" loosely... They all care about where their food comes from, and they are starting to understand that food sold in the grocery store, isn't always food... This is something we are really trying to instill in them... We are embarking on our local-vore diet this month... and actually were able to jump start that when, while camping, a friend of ours came over to hard wire our generator... in doing this he had to turn off the power to the house, and the generator... when he left, he forgot to turn the power back on... this was Saturday, we got home Monday... needless to say, everything in the fridge and freezer was lost... I guess it's a good place to start buying all local, when you have nothing else lurking in the corners... so... here we go... local food... all local.... 250 miles from our house... what will we miss? Chocolate... and well, that's all i can think of right now... but i am sure as this gets into full swing, I will be able to think of more things I miss, though I am positive that they will not be things that make this adventure not worth it... I am looking forward to the relationship with my food, that buying local instills. My kids are going to be able to look at a map, and say where their food comes from, and in many cases, they are going to be able to be part of the growing process... this is something i am more proud of!

so people, here we go... local!