Thursday, October 15, 2009

The season sets in...

It is supposed to snow tomorrow... this is exciting for me, and a little scary... i am in no means ready for the wintry weather. We turned the heat on today... it was 52 in here this morning when i woke up. i don't feel like i have enough warm clothes, and i don't feel like the kids have enough warm clothes. this is how i always feel in the beginning of a new season. and yet, i am always provided for. i guess that i need to let go, and just allow God to work in my life, and appreciate all the He does for me. phew... that felt good... now, i just have to put into action my desires.

I am thankful that i have had a bunch of time to reflect. i am also thankful that i have the chance to have my friends living here again. It really opens my eyes to how i am living. It really makes me reflect on my own behavior, and i want to be able to be in control of making changes in my attitude. this all seems like babble... and frankly it is. but it is my babble... and i am ok with that. i hope that i am able to learn to love my self, and all that i have to offer the world.

i am hopeful that i will be able to be filled with an abundance of patience, and continue on through this journey with my head held high...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

getting started

James is now a blogger... or he will be when he finishes his story... we had the idea to let him post his stories on the world wide web... our goal is that people will be able to read his stories, critique then and enjoy them immensely! He is an amazing writer, and i am sooo proud of him. He is excited to be able to share them!!!

Other than that, we have been quite busy. It is fall, and now we are working towards the reality of snow, and freezing temperatures. We are not scared... just trying to be prepared. School is going so well. It is a lot of math, and writing... and enjoying our time together. The little ones are soooo busy. they are into everything. they are always on the move. it is a little hard to keep them busy! The farm is also in full fall swing. But you can read all about that at Pearson's Town.

We are loving baking, and hanging out in general! We hope all is well with everyone, and i am hopefully going to be able to keep the blog rolling... enjoy!