Tuesday, September 1, 2009

WCSH6.com | Portland, ME | St. Joseph's College Campus Garden

WCSH6.com | Portland, ME | St. Joseph's College Campus Garden

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school begins...

i know it has been forever since my last blog... i apologize to those of you who look forward to our insanity updates... i spent the last several weeks of summer, enjoying the weather, and the sites Maine has to offer. I discovered, that after several years of trying to teach James to swim, he just needed to teach himself... He discovered a lot for the back stroke... i also discovered that Owen has to play outside several hours every day, if he doesn't he becomes a serious bear... (this would explain several rainy afternoons that ended in tears!) I discovered that Addie is going to make a wonderful mommy some day. she pays such amazing attention to her babies, making sure each one wears seasonally appropriate clothing, and of course accessories!!! i am excited to start an official new school year. we will be starting in a few minutes... i like living on a schedule... i like being somewhat predictable, even with life's unpredictable times! james is excited to start school, and i already have Owen and Adelyn working on a project! i sure hope the rest of the year goes so smoothly.. ahhh, who am i kidding... release the insanity, i can handle it!!!